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LETTER / From the 'Borrowed Traces' Exhibition (2007) G-art Gallery
Aluminum, mixed technique, mounted on wooden surface /29x180 cm
15000 $
Hera Büyüktaşçıyan, who focuses on contemporary concepts such as otherness, alienation, personal and social memory, and transfers these issues to her paintings, photographs and installations with an iconographic visual language, with her solo exhibition "Essential Solitude", explains the causes of subjective and social loneliness in historical, cultural, questions on an urban, spatial and environmental platform.
Based on the motto “When you point your finger at someone, three fingers are pointing back at you.”, the artist tells about the "blame" and the violence and loneliness it brings, which have driven both their socio-political and subjective lives and therefore the social masses to alienation and antagonism throughout history. highlights the facts. This compulsory loneliness and violence drags different cultural identities in the society towards an inevitable assimilation and the destruction of the urban fabrics we live in. Who can be shown as responsible for these extinctions and social transformations? While portraying someone as responsible, the question we must turn to and ask ourselves is how responsible we are for the situation.
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